Rather than trying to make everything in the
mix in the same acoustic environment, why not use a couple of really diverse
reverbs to add some strange depth to your tunes? A really dry, upfront vocal
works nicely alongside a really 'drowned' string section or a small bright room
setting on the drums.
Try automating return levels if you have a
digital mixer so that the reverb comes and goes in different sections of the
song. By tweaking the aux send levels, manually, during the mix you can add
splashes of reverb on the fly to add interest to snares or vocal parts.
your time
Spend some time choosing or trying out
different 'verbs. Different songs lend themselves towards different types and
sounds. Don't just settle with what sounds good in solo...
that EQ
Remember you can always EQ the send. Most large
consoles offer you a choice of high and low EQ on the aux sends. On small
desks, route the instrument/voice to another channel via a group or aux send,
float this from the mix and send this to the reverb effect. Now you can add EQ
to the send and even automate it as it's now on a fader. This is commonly used
for those delays and reverbs that you want to move easily during the mix, such
as wetter vocal in the chorus.
Reverse reverb is an old trick, where you can
hear a vocal before a singer comes in, or a snare before it plays, easily using
tape as you simply turn the tape over and record it backwards. You can do it
using a computer, but you will have to move the audio to the right place after
recording it.
A combination of reverbs on things can be good.
A short setting for the snap sound with a longer bright plate can turn a
biscuit-sounding snare into a more live sound.
school plate
In the old days it used to be called delay to
plate. You sent the signal to a loop of tape then sent that to the reverb. The
speed of the tape would adjust the delay as the time it took to get from the
record head to the playback head. This gives, say, a voice a dry sound before
the reverb comes in, giving a more upfront sound while keeping the wetness,
which would usually take it to the back of a hall somewhere! Some people still
use the tape method today for that old school sound.
drum one
Early reflections on drums can also give more
of a tail or decay.
A nice gated verb on guitars to old spring
verbs on snares or even the mighty space echo can sound unique when balanced in
the mix. That will give you more distance and room for placing things in a mix,
while adding that extra sparkle to the sound.
Reverse your sample, add reverb, then reverse
your sample complete with reverb back around the right way again. This way, the
reverb trail leads up into the sample, instead of trailing away from it.
For a different angle on the same reversed
reverb theme, have the reverb trail panned left on a separate track, then the
original sample centre-stage (ie. mono), followed by a regular reverb trail on
another track panned right. The result is a reverb that leads up into the
sample and trails away afterwards, while panning across the stage, left to
over your mix
Pick out key instruments or sounds and
highlight them with reverb while using reverb sparingly, if not at all, on the
remaining mix. You may have to adjust reverb send levels as the track
progresses so you're not left with the track sounding dry where the reverbed
sounds are no longer playing.
and bass
Usually, bass and reverb don't mix too well,
unless you're specifically after a warehouse sound. Unfortunately, this effect
results in a loss of definition among the bass regions. Run your reverb returns
into a couple of spare channels in your mixer and back off the bass EQ, or add
a high-pass plug-in EQ.
Don't forget using mono reverbs at times as
well. These won't conflict with your rich stereo reverbs.
This determines time taken for
the initial reflections to return back from
room walls. Use a calculator from www.hitsquad.com/smm to get a pre delay value
matched to your tempo.
A common technique is to set the predelay to
eighth-notes and add the reverb to a straight quarter note kick drum pattern to
create an off-beat bouncy feel.
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